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peninsula college
virtual world education
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action - packed superheroes
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virtual goods

unique as you / hue are you?

Renne Emiko Brock

P O Box 2633 Sequim WA 98382

-460-3023 10AM-6PM
Renne Emiko Brock

Create Your Badge 

Course and Lecture Topics

Virtual Worlds

- Introduction to Second Life
- Selecting and Using Virtual Worlds
- Designing Virtual Worlds
- Building Virtual Worlds
- Using Second Life to Collaborate and Connect
- Inspire Engagement through Appearance and Branding
- Effective Immersive Social Networking in Virtual Worlds
- The Arts in Immersive Environments
- The Future of Social Media and Virtual Worlds – Immersive 3D Web Environments, Experiences, and Education
- Virtual World Graduates: Where are they now?
- Virtual Expressions and Immersive Art
- Virtual World Graduates - Real World Jobs
- Building a Virtual Professional Learning Community
- Authentic Avatar Brand – Built Trust Through Your Virtual Presence
- Intellectual Property Respect - A Virtual Artist’s Perspective
- The Past, Present, and Future of Virtual World Education
- Authentic Avatar – Inspiring Trust with Your Virtual Identity
- Developing a Professional Image in a Virtual Community
- Share the Block Crayon - Collaborative Superhero Teams
- Courage to Encourage – Origin Story Lessons
- Learning by Leading – Discover Your Destiny
- The Superhero’s Journey - Transformative Endeavors

More about virtual world education...


- Intro to Color Theory
- Application of Color Theory
- Color and Meaning
- Color Assertion in Attire
- Confidence with Color
- Color Fundamentals
- What Hue are You? Fabricated Fable - Digital Printing on Fabric
- Making Your Own Personal Pattern
- Acrylic Painting
- Playing with Patterns
- Fab Fabrics
- Magic Wands & Masks
- Wax on, Wax off – Batik Dyeing
- Polymer Clay Day
- M.C. Escher & Tessellations
- Sustainability in the Arts
- Why do I have to write an artist’s statement?
- Intellectual Property - Respect for Copyrights and Your Rights

Basic Computing

- Digital Safety and Citizenship
- Computer and Tablet Basics
- Computer Basics I & II
- Email and Internet
- Basic Computing XP
- Mac Basics

Please be sure to check out my presentations page to review coursework and conference lectures or workshops. Thank you!!

Course and Lecture Topics

Digital Storytelling

- Infographics and Data Visualization
- Introduction to 3D Design
- Immersive Engagement


- Introduction to Digital Video
- Directing and Production
- Advanced Digital Video
- Digital Video Projects


- Introduction to Computers for Graphic Arts
- Digital Imaging for Artists
- Slideshow Albums
- Introduction to Photoshop
- Photoshop II
- Intro to Photoshop Elements
- Photoshop Elements
- Photoshop for Artists
- Pen Power & Vector - Illustrator for Artists
- Digital Photography
- Art + Technology - Photoshop 1, 2, 3, and 4
Website Design

- Introduction to Multimedia Web
- Web Management Systems
- Wordpress Website Design
- Website Design Basics
- Website Design and Media
- Website Engagement
- DIY Intro to Wordpress Websites and Blogs
- Expressive Websites
- Internet Adventures
Social Media and Marketing

- Beyond Networking: The Power of Social Media
- Social Media: Facebook, Second Life, Twitter, Flickr
- Branding and Marketing
- Intro to Facebook
- Facebook Marketing
- Facebook Community Creation
- Social Media Networking
- Use Facebook and Twitter to Build an Audience
- DIY Online Marketing
- Branding and Marketing for the Arts
- Cooperative Marketing
- Publicity and Press Releases
- Social Media Marketing
- Social Networking for Superheroes and Nonprofits
- Social Media Success
- Creating Interest with Pinterest
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Copyright © 1993-2017 Renne Emiko Brock. All Rights Reserved.
artist - instructor - superhero  | | update: 4/2/17