artist - instructor - supehero - advocate of awesomeness encouragement, education, goods, and gear for the superhero in us all  
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peninsula college
virtual world education
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action - packed superheroes
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unique as you / hue are you?

Renne Emiko Brock

P O Box 2633 Sequim WA 98382

-460-3023 10AM-6PM
Renne Emiko Brock

Create Your Badge 
mayday series - action = reaction - computer assemblage - Copyright © 1998 Renne Emiko Brock. All Rights Reserved.


For credit classes, please visit Peninsula College's website at or call 360.417.6340.

For noncredit classes, please contact Peninsula College's Community Education Department at 360.417.6335.

My Peninsula College email is

I have the best students who seek education, opportunities, and enrichment through on campus and online courses! Contact me to learn how to join us!

I teach Intro to Multimedia – Web, Web Content Management Systems, Social Media Marketing, Infographics & Data Visualization, Intro to 3D Design, Digital Storytelling, Intro to Digital Video, Directing & Production, Digital Video Projects, Internship, and Graphic Design Portfolio, as well as, noncredit classes in Photoshop, Illustrator, Wordpress, Computer Basics, several Social Media platforms, and Color Fundamentals.

Fabricated Fable requires students to combine several separate photos into a story with a moral for a Photoshop course.


teaching philosophy

I make technology accessible and teach art to facilitate inquiry, innovation, and exploration.

Artistry creates empowerment by self-expression and opportunities to develop responsibility, confidence, problem solving skills, and independent research. Fun project-based assignments and collaborative coursework encourage essential skills and real-world experience within my classroom.

I require active participation and commitment of my students to explore, learn, work together, and to discover their own potential. The pursuit of art is illustrated with color, design, visual vocabulary, identity, and history.

To some art might appear to be just fun with colors, but I hope students aspire for more. Art is action-packed articulation and a transcending means of communication.

Artistic accomplishments reveal our capability to experience the world through the senses of another. These open expressions and perspectives build acceptance, respect, and ultimately the sense of community. How do you express yourself?

I focus on facilitating expression that is uniquely your own. I encourage the exploration of personal expression by generating inquiry that leads to research, journaling, mind mapping, and playing.

I create an instructive environment that gives you the freedom to explore your potential with reassurance, assistance, and individual attention; you will gain practical knowledge and integrated techniques while retaining artistic integrity and your personal vision.


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Copyright © 1993-2017 Renne Emiko Brock. All Rights Reserved.
artist - instructor - superhero  | | update: 4/2/17