
progress plunge - computer assemblage on cotton with acrylic paint on closet door

How do we embrace ideals of action, adventure and change with the safety of contentment? Take on a decisive manner with faith in creating change on your own. Not much happens unless you toss a metaphorical stone into a pond to cause it to ripple. Create waves. At the same time, navigate predicaments with the hopeful view that there are no dead ends, only U-turns. Hurdles are placed before us to create opportunities to show how high we can strive. Energetically select paths that challenge to reach humble gratification. Find comfort in choice.

The square spiral is an ancient symbol of homecoming. The maze means movement, decisions and the path of life. Knots intertwine to illustrate continuous connections and your part of an infinite legacy. Woven structures express collaboration of many single parts bound together stronger than alone. The ripple demonstrates the reward of action.
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